HUMAN HISTORY | The Historians Uncover the Past, Illuminate the Present... Wed, 31 Jan 2024 14:46:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Acropolis of Athens: A Timeless Monument to Human Achievement Thu, 25 Jan 2024 10:07:24 +0000 The post The Acropolis of Athens: A Timeless Monument to Human Achievement appeared first on The Historians.


Athens Golden Age

Acropolis of Athens and its monuments are all inclusive symbols of classical spirit and civilization and shape most prominent engineering and imaginative complex granted by Greek Antiquity to the world.

In 5th Century BC, Athens, following victory against Persians and setting up of democracy, took a controlling position amongst other city states of the ancient world. In age that taken after, as thought and craftsmanship prospered, an uncommon gather of artists put into effect ambitious plans of Athenian statesman Pericles and, under inspired guidance of sculptor Pheidias, transformed rocky hill into a unique monument of thought and arts. Most important monuments were built during that time: Parthenon, built by Ictinus, Erechtheon, Propylaea, monumental entrance to Acropolis, designed by Mnesicles and small temple Athena Nike.

Acropolis of Athens contains inside its boundaries all key qualities that pass on property’s Extraordinary Widespread Value, as an ensemble of unique splendor in excellent condition. Perfection of ancient building techniques ensured the resistance of monuments to natural forces through time.

Despite unavoidable damage of time, they still display their beauty and convey their inestimable artistic and historic value, preserving all features that directly and tangibly associate them with events and ideas of Democracy and Philosophy. Inevitably, vicissitudes of history between 5th Century BC, and our days have caused extensive damage that is being successfully addressed with ongoing restoration and conservation works, which increment both stability and clarity of monuments.


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Neanderthals in Europe and the Persistence of Homo erectus Fri, 01 Dec 2023 19:28:10 +0000 The post Neanderthals in Europe and the Persistence of Homo erectus appeared first on The Historians.


Arrival and H. erectus Mystery

Neanderthals first appeared in Europe several hundred thousand years ago, following the existence of H. heidelbergensis by approximately 100,000 years. In Europe, H. erectus vanishes from the scene once Neanderthals make their appearance. However, H. erectus persists in Central Africa and Southeast Asia until around 50,000 years ago, if not later.

Discoveries of skulls in Asia often exhibit a mix of characteristics from both H. erectus and H. sapiens. This leads some paleontologists to propose an “evolution” of H. sapiens, while others suggest a more straightforward explanation—interbreeding.

According to many assessments, H. erectus is considered our ancestor, supported by the fact that certain Neanderthals’ mitochondrial DNA doesn’t match ours. Previously, Neanderthals were thought to be our favored ancestors, but there are also issues with H. erectus.

As the identification of additional archaeological specimens alters the classifications of various species and consequently their temporal and geographic distribution, pinpointing the exact origins of us (H. sapiens) becomes challenging.

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